Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Reflection of 2010

As the new year comes to a close I find myself relfecting on the past year. The good, the bad, the changes I've made, the new and old friends I've come across, the people I lost and the people I found. Each year I find myself just a tiny bit more confident and secure, finally comfortable with who I am. Acceptance, ah.. it's a great feeling. I'm still struggling with tummy bulge, the wrinkles under my eyes, and the lost elasticity in my skin, but other than that, I really am ok.

Lets go back to the beginning...

January 2010 - I had found romance.. this is not new to me, I find romance quite often, it just usually turns out to be a frog in a suit of armour. Each time I wonder if this one will be different, if he will be Mr. Right. Yet I think in my mind I know I'm not at the right place in my life to accept Mr. Right, I still have some work to do. This relationship lasts til Mid February.. when he tells me he loves me and attempts to force the words out of my I clam up and back off. I know it is over.

Reflecting back on this relationship, it never had a chance. I was fluttering about, lost in lust, trying to make a square piece fit into a circle. Jumping over red flags like they were dandelions in the back yard. I decided to take a break and try to figure out what it was I really wanted.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my mercies, I so know what you mean, I know all 3 verses and the disco chorus of that song !!!! xx
